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{{ conf
| name =A Mathematics Education Perspective on early Mathematics Learning 2012 <!-- Ausgeschriebener (langer) Name der Konferenz -->
| kurzname = POEM 2012 <!-- Kurzname (z.B. GDM-Tagung 2008) -->
| serie = POEM <!-- Falls die Konferenz regelmäßig stattfindet: der Name der Serie -->
| ort = Frankfurt <!-- Stadt, in der die Konferenz stattfindet/stattfand -->
| land = Deutschland <!-- Land, in der die Konferenz stattfindet/stattfand -->
| url = http://cermat.org/poem2012/ <!-- Webseite der Konferenz, inklusive http:// -->
| jahr = 2012 <!-- Jahr, in dem die Konferenz stattfand/stattfindet -->
| monat = Februar <!-- Monat, in dem die Konferenz beginnend stattfand/stattfindet, z.B. "Juli" -->
| beginn = 27.02.2012 <!-- Erster Tag der Konferenz, z.B. 13.8.2009 -->
| ende = 29.02.2012 <!-- Letzter Tag der Konferenz, z.B. 15.8.2009 -->

== Kurzbeschreibung ==
At the CERME conference 2011 in Rzészow, Poland, we were faced with the question: In which way – and how much – should children be "educated" in mathematics before entering primary school. We, German researchers on the subject from Frankfurt am Main and Karlsruhe, decided to organize a workshop-conference to further investigate this question. We want to address this question from a mathematics education perspective on early mathematics learning in the strain between instruction and construction. The topics of the conference include research on the design of learning opportunities, the development of mathematical thinking, the impact of the social setting and the professionalization of nursery teachers. In the tradition of the CERME conferences we want to create a focused working atmosphere with few paper presentations with more interaction and exchange between the researchers. This meeting should be a starting point for a research network in early mathematics learning. POEM will take place in Frankfurt, Germany, from February 27-29, and is an invitation-only event.

== Themen ==
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== Programmkomitee ==
* Acar-Bayraktar, Ergi, [[Universität Frankfurt]] (GER)
* Aizikovitsh-Udi, Einav, Harvard University (USA)
* Barber, Patti, University of London (UK)
* [[Torsten Beisel|Beisel, Torsten]], [[Universität Frankfurt]] (GER)
* Benz, Christiane, [[Pädagogische Hochschule Karlsruhe]] (GER)
* Bohler, Elena, Høgskolen i Oslo (NO)
* [[Dagmar Böning|Böning, Dagmar]], [[Universität Bremen]] (GER)
* [[Birgit Brandt|Brandt, Birgit]], [[Universität Frankfurt]] (GER)
* Carlsen, Martin, Universitetet i Agder (NO)
* Chen, Jie-Qi, Erikson Institute Chicago (USA)
* Erfjord, Ingvald, Universitetet i Agder (NO)
* [[Anne Fellmann|Fellmann, Anne]], [[Universität Frankfurt]] (GER)
* [[Marai Fetzer|Fetzer, Marai]], [[Universität Frankfurt]] (GER)
* Flottorp, Vigdis, Høgskolen i Oslo (NO)
* [[Hedwig Gasteiger|Gasteiger, Hedwig]], [[Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München]] (GER)
* [[Meike Grüßing|Grüßing, Meike]], IPN Kiel (GER)
* [[Anna-Marietha Hümmer|Hümmer, Anna]], [[Universität Frankfurt]] (GER)
* Hundeland, Per Sigurd, Universitetet i Agder (NO)
* [[Melanie Huth|Huth, Melanie]], [[Universität Frankfurt]] (GER)
* [[Judith Jung|Jung, Judith]], [[Universität Frankfurt]] (GER)
* Kasuba, Romas, Vilniaus universiteto (LT)
* [[Ulrich Kortenkamp|Kortenkamp, Ulrich]], [[Pädagogische Hochschule Karlsruhe]] (GER)
* [[Götz Krummheuer|Krummheuer, Götz]], [[Universität Frankfurt]] (GER)
* [[Silke Ladel|Ladel, Silke]], [[Pädagogische Hochschule Karlsruhe]] (GER)
* Lange, Troels, University Malmö (SE)
* [[Monika London|London, Monika]], [[Technische Universität Dortmund]] (GER)
* [[Jens-Holger Lorenz|Lorenz, Jens-Holger]], [[Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg]] (GER)
* [[Andrea Maier|Maier, Andrea]], [[Pädagogische Hochschule Karlsruhe]] (GER)
* Meaney, Tamsin, Malmö University (SE)
* [[Melanie Münz|Münz, Melanie]], [[Universität Frankfurt]] (GER)
* [[Marcus Nührenbörger|Nührenbörger, Marcus]], [[Technische Universität Dortmund]] (GER)
* Oers, Bert van, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (NL)
* [[Andreas Peter-Koop|Peter-Koop, Andrea]], [[Universität Bielefeld]] (GER)
* Presmeg, Norma, Illinois State University (USA)
* Riesbeck, Eva, Malmö University (SE)
* Sayers, Judy, University of Northampton (UK)
* [[Christoph Schreiber|Schreiber, Christoph]], [[Universität Frankfurt]] (GER)
* [[Marcus Schütte|Schütte, Marcus]], [[Universität Frankfurt]] (GER)
* Tabach, Michal, Tel Aviv University (IL)
* [[Kerstin Tiedemann|Tiedemann, Kerstin]], [[Universität Siegen]] (GER)
* Tirosh, Dina, Tel Aviv University (IL)
* [[Dorothea Tubach|Tubach, Dorothea]], [[Technische Universität Dortmund]] (GER)
* Tsamir, Pessia, Tel Aviv University (IL)
* [[Rose Vogel|Vogel, Rose]], [[Universität Frankfurt]] (GER)
* Vogt, Franziska, University of Teacher Education St. Gallen (CH)
* Wernberg, Anna, Malmö University (SE)
* [[Johanna Zöllner|Zöllner, Johanna]], [[Pädagogische Hochschule Karlsruhe]] (GER)

== Hauptvorträge ==
* Norma Presmeg (USA): A dance of instruction with construction in mathematics education
* Jie-Qi Chen (USA): Instruction and Construction: Integrating Both Processes to Promote Quality Early Mathematics Education
* Bert van Oers (NL): The Roots Of Mathematising In Young Children’s Play

== Veröffentlichungen ==
* Jie-Qi Chen: Instruction and Construction: Integrating Both Processes to Promote Quality Early Mathematics Education
* Norma Presmeg: A dance of instruction with construction in mathematics education
* Bert van Oers: The Roots of Mathematising in Young Children
* Ergi Acar Bayraktar: The first Discernment into the NMT-Family (Interactional Niche in the development of mathematical thinking in familial situations)
* Einav Aizikovitsh-Udi: Developing Critical Thinking Skill in Mathematics Education
* [[Christiane Benz]]: Identifying quantities of representations - Children using structures to compose collections from parts or decompose col- lections into parts
* Elena Bøhler and Vigdis Flottorp: What kind of challenges do teacher students encounter with respect to kindergarten mathematics? -­‐A pilot study of exam papers.
* [[Birgit Brandt]]: “I have a little job for you” – Educators are designing mathematical problems with kindergarten children – Reconstruction of folk pedagogy in interaction processes
* M. Carlsen, I. Erfjord, & P. S. Hundeland: Children’s engagement with mathematics in kindergarten mediated by the use of digital tools
* [[Hedwig Gasteiger]]: Professionalization of Early Childhood Educators with a Focus on Natural Learning Situations and Individual Development of Mathematical Competencies: Results from an Evaluation Study
* [[Anna-Marietha Hümmer]]: Reconstruction of conjunctive realms of experiences in early learning processes
* [[Melanie Huth]]: The Interplay Between Gesture and Speech – Second Graders Solve Mathematical Problems
* Romualdas Kasuba: Nice text by problem posing – two samples with many challenges
* [[Götz Krummheuer]]: The Relationship between cultural Expectation and the local Realization of a Mathematics learning Environment
* [[Silke Ladel]], [[Ulrich Kortenkamp]]: Early maths with multi-touch – an activity-theoretic approach
* [[Troels Lange]], Tamsin Meaney, [[Eva Riesbeck]], [[Anna Wernberg]]: How one preschool teacher recognises mathematical teaching moments
* [[Andrea Simone Maier]], [[Christiane Benz]]: Development of Geometric Competencies – Children's Conception of Geometric Shapes in England and Germany
* [[Melanie Münz]]: The elements of mathematical creativity and the function of the attachment style in early childhood
* [[Andrea Peter-Koop]], [[Maike Grüßing]]: Early enhancement of kindergarten children potentially at risk in learning school mathematics – Design and findings of an intervention study
* Judy Sayers and Petti Barber: It is quite confusing isn’t it?
* Michal Tabach: Preschool children's performance and self-efficacy on mathematical and non-mathematical tasks
* Dina Tirosh: Preschool teachers' knowledge and self-efficacy regarding counting and enumerating tasks
* Pessia Tsamir: Conceptualizing preschool teachers' knowledge and self-efficacy for teaching mathematics: The CAMTE framework
* [[Rose Vogel]]: Mathematical Situations Of Play And Explorations As An Empirical Research Instrument
* [[Rita Stebler]], [[Franziska Vogt]], [[Irene Wolf]], [[Bernhard Hauser]] & [[Karin Rechsteiner]]: Play-based mathematics in kindergarten. Microgenetic video analyses of children's mathematical behaviour while playing board games in small group

== Konferenzbericht ==
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