ICME 12 - The 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education

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Konferenz: The 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME-12). Seoul, Südkorea. Internet: The 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education

Termin: 8.7.2012 - 15.7.2012 {{{monat}}} 2012




TSG 1 Mathematics education at preschool level

TSG 2 Mathematics education at tertiary level and access to tertiary level

TSG 3 Activities and programs for gifted students

TSG 4 Activities and programs for students with special needs

TSG 5 Mathematics education in and for work

TSG 6 Mathematics literacy

TSG 7 Teaching and learning of number systems and arithmetic --- focusing especially on primary education

TSG 8 Measurement --- focusing especially on primary education

TSG 9 Teaching and learning of algebra

TSG 10 Teaching and learning of geometry

TSG 11 Teaching and learning of probability

TSG 12 Teaching and learning of statistics

TSG 13 Teaching and learning of calculus

TSG 14 Reasoning, proof and proving in mathematics education

TSG 15 Problem solving in mathematics education

TSG 16 Visualization in the teaching and learning of mathematics

TSG 17 Mathematical applications and modelling in the teaching and learning of mathematics

TSG 18 Analysis of uses of technology in the teaching of mathematics

TSG 19 Analysis of uses of technology in the learning of mathematics

TSG 20 The role of history of mathematics in mathematics education

TSG 21 Research on classroom practice

TSG 22 Learning and cognition in mathematics

TSG 23 Mathematical knowledge for teaching at primary level

TSG 24 Mathematical knowledge for teaching at secondary level

TSG 25 In-services education, professional development of mathematics teachers

TSG 26 Preservice mathematical education of teachers

TSG 27 Motivation, beliefs and attitudes towards mathematics and its teaching

TSG 28 Language and communication in mathematics education

TSG 29 Gender and mathematics education

TSG 30 Mathematics education in a multilingual and multicultural environment

TSG 31 Task design and analysis

TSG 32 Mathematics curriculum development

TSG 33 Assessment and testing in mathematics education

TSG 34 The role of mathematical competitions and other challenging contexts in the teaching and learning of mathematics

TSG 35 The history of the teaching and learning of mathematics

TSG 36 The role of ethnomathematics in mathematics education

TSG 37 Theoretical issues in mathematics education



