Association of Teachers of Mathematics

Association of Teachers of Mathematics

The Association of Teachers of Mathematics was established in 1950 to encourage the development of mathematics education such that it is more closely related to the needs of the learner. The ATM is governed by its General Council.

There are about 4 000 members - mainly teachers in primary and secondary schools. It is a registered charity and all profits from subscriptions and trading are re-invested into mathematics education.

The ATM provides opportunities to bring together all concerned with mathematics education for all age ranges. It supports local branches, informal support networks, courses and conferences.

The Association of Teachers of Mathematics produces policy statements and publishes response to National and Government initiatives. Past statements and responses are archived here.

The ATM has a number of ‘Working Groups’ whose function is to examine particular areas of the mathematics education field to develop policy, resources and action.

The high point of the year is the annual Easter conference which is a celebration of mathematics teaching by hundreds of people who still get great enjoyment from their chosen career.

Aims of ATM

The Association of Teachers of Mathematics aims to support the teaching and learning of mathematics by:

  • encouraging increased understanding and enjoyment of mathematics
  • encouraging increased understanding of how people learn mathematics
  • encouraging the sharing and evaluation of teaching and learning strategies and practices
  • promoting the exploration of new ideas and possibilities
  • initiating and contributing to discussion of and developments in mathematics education at all levels

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