Christine Keitel

Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. sc. mult. Christine Keitel.
University Professor for Mathematics Education. Freie Universität Berlin.




  • 1986 Habilitation at Faculty of Mathematics, Technical University of Berlin
  • 1981 Doctorate at Faculty of Mathematics, University of Bielefeld
  • 1965 - 1969 Studies of Mathematics and Sociology (Diploma in Mathematics and Sociology) in Berlin, student tutor in mathematics
  • 1963 - 1965 Studies of Physics, Mathematics, Philosophy in Cologne (Pre-Diploma in Physics and Mathematics), Grant for the Highly Gifted by “Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes”, student tutor in mathematics since 1964


  • 2007 – 2011 Vice-President / Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Freie University, responsible for transformation of study orders into Bachelor and Master Studies according to the Bologna-process, and in particular adaptation of Bachelor and Master orders to state controlled teacher education, responsible for the Faculties of Economics, of Social and Political Studies, of Education and Psychology
  • 2009 Honorary Doctorate in Sciences, awarded by University of Shumen, Bulgaria
  • 2005 Invited Guest Professor at Hangzhou Normal University and Shanghai Normal University, Invited Plenary Speaker at EARCOME3 (July-September)
  • 2004 Invited Guest Professor at Queensland University for Technology, Brisbane, Australia (February-April)
  • 2002 Invited Guest Professor at Faculty of Education, University of Durban-Westville and Natal-University, South-Africa (January-April)
  • 2002 Invited Guest Professor at Faculty of Education, Monash University, University of Melbourne, and at International Centre for Classroom Research (ICCR) at Melbourne (September - November)
  • 1999 - 2001 Guest Professor and Research Consultant at Faculty of Education, University of Durban-Westville, South Africa (Oct. 1999 – March 2001)
  • 1999 Honorary Doctorate in Sciences, awarded by University of Southampton Great Britain
  • 1999 A. v. Humboldt-Scholarship Award for Research and Capacity Building in South Africa
  • 1997 - 1999 Vice-President /Deputy Vice Chancellor of Freie University Berlin Responsible for Studies and Teaching, Teacher Education and for the Faculties of Educational Sciences, Psychology, Cultural Studies and Liberal Arts
  • 1995 Invited Guest Professor at Monash University, Melbourne (March to August)
  • 1994 Invited Guest Professor at University of Durban-Westville and Natal University, South Africa (January to March) * 1992 - today University Professor for Mathematics Education, Department of Educational Science and Psychology, Freie University Berlin
  • 1990 Visiting Professor and Expert consultant of the Ministry of Education of Indonesia and Evaluator of GTZ for a Science project
  • 1981 - 1992 Scientific Collaborator and Assistant Professor (C2) at Faculty of Mathematics, Technical University of Berlin
  • 1976 - 1981 Director of EPAS (C1) (Research Project on Mathematics Teacher Education: Connecting the first and second phase of teacher training and developing material support) IDM (Institute for Mathematics Education Research) at University Bielefeld
  • 1970 - 1976 Research Fellow and Member of Research Group of S.B. Robinson, Max-Planck-Institute for Human Development and Educational Research, Berlin
  • 1969 - 1970 Scientific Collaborator/ Research Fellow at Institute of Mathematics, University of Bielefeld


  • Bishop, A., Clements, K., Keitel, C., Kilpatrick, J., Leung, F.(eds.) Third International Handbook on Mathematics Education, Springer, forthcoming
  • Keitel, C. & Vithal, R. (2008) Mathematical Power as Political Power – The Politics of Mathematics Education. In: Clarkson, P. & Presmeg N. (Eds.) Critical Issues in Mathematics Education. Springer, New York, 167-190
  • Atweh, B. & Keitel, C. (2007) Social (In)Justice and International Collaboration in Mathematics Education. In: Atweh, * B., Keitel, C. et al. (eds.) Internationalization and Globalization in Mathematics and Science Education. Chapter 1. New York: Springer, 95-112
  • Keitel, C. (2007) Der unheimliche Einfluss der Testideologie auf Bildungskonzepte, Mathematikunterricht und mathematikdidaktische Forschung. In: Th. Jahnke & W. Meyerhöfer (eds) PISA & Co. Kritik eines Programms. Berlin: Franzbecker, 25-58
  • Clarke, D. / Keitel, C./ Shimizu, Y. (eds.) (2006) Mathematics Classrooms in Twelve Countries: The Insider’s Perspective (LPS Series Volume 1) Rotterdam, NL: SENSE Publishers


  • Mathematics as a social practice; Philosophy and sociology of math and sciences,
  • "Mathematics for All" and "Mathematical literacy", Mathematics education and technology,
  • Social justice and mathematics education: gender, ethnicity and class and the politics of schooling, Gender and Mathematics
  • History and current state of mathematics education around the world; Comparative studies on mathematics classroom practice and learners’ perspectives; Political and social dimensions of research on mathematics classroom practice, Internationalisation and Globalisation of Scientific Collaboration,
  • Difficulties faced by students and teachers in mathematics classrooms; Mathematics education and values


Collaborative and ongoing Projects in the last five years

Project title LPS (Learner’s Perspective Study - Mathematics Classroom Practice in 15 Countries)

  • Funding ARC (Australian Research Council), Spencer Foundation (USA), NRF (National Research Foundation South Africa) * Coordinators: Principal Investigators: David Clarke (Melbourne, AUS), Christine Keitel (Berlin, GER), Yoshinori Shimizu (Tokyo, JAPAN)
  • Participating countries Australia; China (Shanghai), China (Hong Kong & Macao); Czech Republic, Germany, Great Britain, Israel, Japan, Norway, Philippines, Portugal, Singapore, South Africa, Sweden, USA,
  • Project period: 1999-ongoing
  • Website: [1]

Project title FuMiNa, “EmpowerMint”; “Best practices in mathematics education preschool to primary”(“La main à la pâte” adapted); “tasteMINT”-self-assessment model to encourage women to study mathematics, science and technology


Advisory and Leading Roles for Extra-Academic Institutions, e.g. professional organizations, cultural and political institutions

  • BACOMET Basic Components of Mathematics Education for Teachers, Founding Member (1985-ongoing) and Director (1989-1993)
  • Beirat Mathematik Advisory Board for Mathematics of the Ministry for Education of Berlin Member (1989-2000);
  • Bildungsnetz BB Projectleader of Fumina and empowerMINT), Steering group, consultancy in Bildungsnetz Berlin e.V. and LIFE e.V. zu “Learning Regions – Promotion and development of Networks” in Berlin-Brandenburg
  • CIEAEM Commission Internationale pour l'Etude et l'Amélioration de l'Enseignement des Mathématiques; Scientific Advisory Board since 1987, Vicepresident of CIEAEM (1992-1997), President of CIEAEM (1997-2004)
  • EMS European Mathematical Society) Member of the Committee of Education of ESM (1988-1992);
  • GDM German Society for Mathematics Education) Scientific Advisory Board (1988-1994);
  • 1986-1992 Mitglied im Beirat der GDM
  • GTZ German Society for Technological Collaboration: Expert-Consultant and Evaluator of an Indonesian Mathematics and Science Project 1990
  • ICMI International Commission of Mathematics Instruction) regular Topic-Group and Discussion-Group organizer on congresses of ICMI, Member of IPC of ICME 11 in Mexico 2008
  • ICTMA International Conference on the Teaching of Mathematical Applications) Advisory Board and Program Committee (1991-1993), Co-editor of proceedings;
  • IOWME International Group of Women in Mathematics Education) National Coordinator (1988-1992) and Convenor (President of IOWME) (1992-1998), organizer of IOWME-sessions of various congresses of ICME
  • OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development): Steering Committee of "Future Perspectives of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education"(1989-1993);
  • PME International Group for Psychology of Mathematics Education) International Committee (Scientific Advisory Board of PME) and ICP of PME Paris (1985-1989);
  • TIMSS Third International Mathematics and Science Study) Expert-Consultant of the Video-Project (J. Stigler University of California Los Angeles) and Curriculum-Analysis-Project (B. Schmidt University of Massachusetts) 1993-1995
  • Deutsches Zentrum für Lehrerbildung Mathematik (DZLM), Abteilung A: Multiplikatorenprogramme und Lehrerfortbildung