Birgit Pepin/Publikationen

  • Pepin, B. (2012): Working with teachers on curriculum materials to develop mathematical knowledge in/for teaching: task analysis as ‘catalytic tool’ for feedback and teacher learning. (p. 123-142). In: G. Gueudet, B. Pepin & L. Trouche (eds) Mathematics Curriculum Material and Teacher Development: from text to ‘lived’ resources, Dordrecht, NL: Springer.
  • G. Gueudet, B. Pepin & L. Trouche (eds) (2012): Mathematics Curriculum Material and Teacher Development: from text to ‘lived’ resources, Dordrecht, NL: Springer.
  • G. Gueudet, B. Pepin & L. Trouche (eds) (2012): Nested and dynamic documentation systems in/for teaching and teacher learning: re-conceptualising mathematics curriculum resources and their use. (p.353-360). In: G. Gueudet, B. Pepin & L. Trouche (eds) Mathematics Curriculum Material and Teacher Development: from text to ‘lived’ resources, Dordrecht, NL: Springer.
  • Pepin, B. (2012) ‘Mathematical task analysis as ‘Catalytic Tool’ for feedback and teacher learning’, Proceedings of NORMA 2011, Reykjavik, Iceland.
  • Pepin, B., Lysø, K.O. & Sikko, S.A. (2012): Student educational experiences at transition from upper secondary to higher education mathematics. (p.349-362). In: F. Rønning, R. Diesen, H. Hoveid & I. Pareliussen (eds.) FOU Praksis 2011, Trondheim, Norway: Tapir Akademisk Forlag.
  • Lyngved, R., Pepin, B. & Sikko, S.A. (2012): Inquiry based learning (IBL) environments: Working with teachers on and mathematics and science tasks. (p. 275-286). In: F. Rønning, R. Diesen, H. Hoveid & I. Pareliussen (eds.) FOU Praksis 2011, Trondheim: Tapir Akademisk Forlag, Norway.
  • Pepin, B. (2011): Pupils' attitude towards mathematics: a comparative study of Norwegian and English secondary students. In: B. Bösken, G. Törner & B. Pepin (eds) Beliefs and Beyond: Affecting the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics, ZDM- The International Journal of Mathematics Education, 43(4):535-546.
  • Pepin, B. & Haggarty, L. (2011): Teachers' use of mathematics curriculum materials with respect to differentiation in different contexts: mathematics classrooms in England and Norway. (pp. 393- 404). In: T.L. Hoel, T.M. Guldal, C.F. Dons, S. Sagberg, T. Solhaug & K. Wæge (eds) FOU i Praxis 2010, Trondheim, Norway: Tapir Akademisk Forlag.
  • Pepin, B. (2011): A comparative study of Norwegian and English secondary students’ attitude towards mathematics, Proceedings of the 7th Conference of the European Society on Research in mathematics Education (CERME7), February 2011.
  • Pepin, B. (2010): How educational systems and cultures mediate teacher knowledge: teacher ‘listening’ in English, French and German classrooms. (p. 119-138). In: Ruthven, K. and Rowlands, T. (eds) Mathematical knowledge in teaching, Dordrecht: Springer.
  • Wake, G. & Pepin, B. (2010): Conceptualising the mediation of mathematics in classrooms as textured. In: M. Joubert & P. Andrews (eds.) Proceedings of the British Congress for Mathematics Education (BCME) 2010, 30 (1), ISSN 1463-6840.
  • Pepin, B. (2009): The role of textbooks in the ‘figured world’ of English, French and German classrooms- a comparative perspective. (p.107-118). In: L. Black, H. Mendick, Y. Solomon (Eds.) Mathematical Relationships: identities and participation. London: Routledge.
  • Pepin, B. (2009): Negativity’ and learner identity: classroom tasks, the ‘minus sign’ and classroom environments in English, French and German classrooms. (p. 179-196). In: J. Maaß & W. Schlöglmann (eds) Beliefs and Attitude in Mathematics Education- New Research Results, Rotterdam, NL: Sense Publishers.
  • Pepin, B. (2009): Teacher knowledge in different systems: the cases of selected English, French and German mathematics teachers. In: T. Janik & P. Kansanen (eds) Studies on teaching and Learning in different school subject, Special (monothematic) Issue of Orbis Scholae, 2: 27-46.
  • Pepin, B. (2009): Teacher knowledge and educational environments: the case of ‘listening’ in English, French and German classrooms. In: Tzekaki, M., Kaldrimidou, M. & Sakonidis, C. (eds) Proceedings of the 33rd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Vol. 1,Thessaloniki, Greece.
  • Pepin, B. (2008): Comparing mathematics textbooks and their use by teachers internationally- what kind of picture do textbooks in England, France and Germany present to pupils in terms of school mathematics. translated in Greek, Proceedings to the 7th Conference of the Greek Mathematics Education Research group “The role of books in mathematics teaching”, Thessaloniki, Greece, March 2008.
  • Pepin, B. (2007): Language across the mathematics curriculum in England, in S.Ongstad (ed) Language in Mathematics?- A comparative study of four national curricula (Norway, Sweden, UK, Romania), Report to the Council of Europe, May 07.
  • Pepin, B. (2007): Culture, language and mathematics education: aspects of language in English, French and German mathematics education. In: S.Ongstad (ed) Language in Mathematics?- A comparative study of four national curricula (Norway, Sweden, UK, Romania), Report to the Council of Europe, May 07.
  • Pepin, B. (2007): About mathematical tasks and making connections: an exploration of connections made in and ‘around’ mathematics textbooks in England, France and Germany (Plenary presentation). In: Bergsten, C., Grevholm, B., Masøval, H., and Ronning, F. (eds) Relating Practice and Research in Mathematics Education, Proceedings of NORMA 05, Fourth Nordic Conference on mathematics Education, Trondheim, September 2005 (pp. 111-30).
  • Ongstad, S., Hudson, B., Pepin, B., Imsen, G. and Kansanen, P. (2005): Didaktik and Mathematics Education. Comparative and communicational perspectives, Oslo: Oslo University College Press.
  • Pepin, B. (2005): Can we compare like with like in comparative education research? – Methodological considerations in cross-cultural studies in mathematics education. In: B. Hudson & J.Fragner (eds) Researching Teaching and Learning of Mathematics II, Linz: Trauner Verlag.
  • Kansanen, P. and Pepin, B. (2005): Historic and Comparative Perspectives on Didaktik. In: S. Ongstad, B. Hudson, B. Pepin, G. Imsen, and P. Kansanen (2005) Didaktik and Mathematics Education. Comparative and communicational perspectives, Oslo: Oslo University College Press (pp. 28-49).
  • Pepin, B. (2005): Conceptions du métier et pratiques pédagogiques des enseignants en Angleterre, en France et en Allemagne : l’exemple des professeurs de Mathématiques. In: R. Malet & E. Brisard (eds) La Modernisation de l'école en contexte. Des politiques aux pratiques en France et en Grande-Bretagne, Paris: L'Harmattan (pp. 195-217).
  • Pepin, B. (2005): Odmienne kultury, odmienne matematyki, odmienne znaczienia, odmienne nauczanie? Kultura nauczania matematyki w Anglii, Francji I w Niemczech’, Edukacja, 3 : 95-104.
  • Pepin, B. (2004): Comparing notions of social justice in education across borders and cultures- Methodological considerations. In: Moreno Herrera, L. and Francia, G (eds) Educational Policies – Implications for equity, equality and equivalence, Oerebro, Sweden: University Press (pp. 221-36).
  • Pepin, B. and Haggarty, L. (2003): Mathematics textbooks and their use by teachers: a window into the education world of particular countries?. In: Van den Akker, J. , Kuiper, W. and Hameyer, U. (eds) Curriculum Landscapes and Trends, Dordrecht: Kluwer (pp. 73-100).
  • Bruesling, C. and Pepin, B. (eds)(2003): Inclusion inside and outside schools: who is in need of what. European Educational Research Journal, Vol 2 Number 2, EERJ Special Issue.
  • Haggarty, L. and Pepin, B. (2002): An investigation of mathematics textbooks and their use in English, French and German Classrooms: who gets an opportunity to learn what?. British Educational Research Journal 28 (4): 567-90.
  • Bruesling, C. and Pepin, B. (eds) (2002): Learners and Their Learning/Working Environments. European Educational Research Journal, Vol 1 Number 3, EERJ Special Issue.
  • Pepin, B. (2002): Methodological issues of cross-national comparisons: efforts to establish equivalence in a cross-national study of mathematics teachers’ work in England, France and Germany. In: Fries, A., Rosenmund, M. and Heller, W. (eds) Comparing Curriculum Making Processes (in the series “Explorations”), Zurich: Peter Lang (pp. 269-80).
  • Pepin, B. (2002): Different cultures, different meanings, different teaching. In: L.Haggarty (ed) Teaching Mathematics in Secondary Schools, London: Routledge (pp.245-58).
  • Pepin, B. and Haggarty, L. (2001): Mathematics textbooks and their use in English, French and German classrooms: a way to understand teaching and learning cultures. Zentralblatt for the Didactics of Mathematics, 33 (5): 158-75.
  • Haggarty, L. and Pepin, B. (2001): An investigation of mathematics textbooks and their use in English, French and German classrooms: who gets an opportunity to learn what?. Proceedings of the Fifth British Congress of Mathematics Education, University of Keele, UK.
  • Pepin, B. (2000): L’influence des traditions éducatives sur le travail des professeurs de mathématiques en Allemagne, en Angleterre et en France. In: Altet, M. (ed) Actes du Troisième Congres International d’Actualité de la Recherche en Education et Formation, CD-ROM, Bordeaux: AECSE.
  • Pepin, B. (2000): Reconceptualising comparative education: the case of international studies in mathematics education. Pedagogy, Culture and Society, 8 (3): 379-88.
  • Pepin, B. (1999): Mobility of mathematics teachers across England, France and Germany. European Educational Researcher, Volume 5 (1): 5-14.
  • Pepin, B. (1999): The influence of national cultural traditions on pedagogy: classroom practices in England, France and Germany. In: Learners and Pedagogy, eds. J.Leach and B.Moon. London: Sage Publications (pp. 124-39).
  • Pepin, B. (1999): Existing models of knowledge in teaching: Developing an understanding of the Anglo/American, the French and the German scene. In: Hudson, B., Buchberger, F., Kansanen, P. and Seel, H. (1999): Didaktik/Fachdidaktik as science(s) of the teaching profession. TNTEE Publications, Volume 2 (1), pp. 49-66.
  • Pepin, B. (1999): Epistemologies, beliefs and conceptions of mathematics teaching and learning: the theory, and what is manifested in mathematics teachers’ practices in England, France and Germany. In: Hudson, B., Buchberger, F., Kansanen, P. and Seel, H. (1999): Didaktik/Fachdidaktik as science(s) of the teaching profession. TNTEE Publications, Volume 2 (1), pp. 127-46.
  • Hudson, B., Braathe, H.J., Ongstad, S., and Pepin, B. (1999): Mathematik Didaktik (teaching-learning Mathematics): an overview of the development of a web-based European Module. In: Hudson, B., Buchberger, F., Kansanen, P. and Seel, H. (1999): Didaktik/Fachdidaktik as science(s) of the teaching profession. TNTEE Publications, Volume 2 (1), pp 147-60.