Instrumental Orchestration

Vorlage:Baustelle Instrumental Orchestration ist eine didaktisches Modell von Luc Trouche (später ergänzt von Paul Drijvers) mit dem unter anderem der Einsatz von Technologie im Mathematikunterricht beschrieben werden kann.


The teacher's intentional and systematic organisation and use of the various artefacts available in a learning environment in a given mathematical task situation, in order to guide students' instrumental genesis.


A didactical configuration

An arrangement of artifacts in the environment, a configuration of the teaching setting and the artefacts invovled in it

Exploitation mode

The way the teacher exploits the didactical configuration for her didactical intentions: decisions on the way a task is introduced and worked, on the possible roles, of the artifacts and on the schemes and techniques involved

Didactical Performance

invovles the ad hoc decisions taken while teaching on how to actually perform in the chosen didactic configuration and aexploitation mode: what quiestion to pose now, how to do justice to or to set asides the student input...


Time Dimension

ranges from preparation (didactical configuration) to ad hoc decisions (didactical performance)

Structural incidental dimension

ranges from operational invariants to incidental things

Analogy: Jazz band leader

Orchestration Types

  • Technical-demo
  • Explain-the-screen
  • Lin-screen-board
  • Discuss-the-screen
  • Spot-and-show
  • Sherpa-at-work