How to Get a Great Response to Your PDF Reports

If you think there is nothing more you can do to improve how readers respond to your PDFs, then you are totally wrong. It's important to consider that you are trying to make a good impression on your readers.

It's also important for the reading environment to be as good as it can possibly be. It's true that the environment within the PDF can be both bad and good. So learn who is in your target audience, and then you will have a better idea about what you should do with your PDF.

Even if you have a mostly short PDF ebook or report, you still need to take the time to separate it into sections and then include a Table of Contents (or ToC). This is just a little more professional appearance, and it also helps the reader to know what to expect. In addition to the actual text of your ToC make it linkable so that readers are able to jump directly to the sections they want to read the most. Many PDFs are not made like that, and this is just the fault of the creator because it is something that can be done. This is so easy and convenient for your readers and you always want to help your readers out as much as you can.

PDFs are fantastic places to use bullet points and lists. It's easy to fall into the trap of overusing them, though, so watch out. Being able to skim quickly is something that is easier to do when there are bullets.

They also work great for short lists of data that you want to talk about. You can list them out as bullets, and then you can talk about each one as you see fit. A short paragraph about each point helps to keep things clear and informative. Another great thing about bullet lists is that they are eye catching. When you've done this, your readers are going to slow down and check out your bullets when you scan them.

You need to try to write your PDF so that it will resemble a short book--even if you don't have lots of pages. For instance, when your ebook is 20 pages long, you can create between 7 and 10 sections people will see as chapters. Either way, what matters the most here is that you put headings on to your chapters or sections. These can feel like sub-headings but still, they're essentially the same things as chapter titles. Your headings need to be descriptive so that people understand what every section is actually about. It's also in your best interest to spend some time making them fun and interesting and entertaining to read. Any time that you can do extra work to make things more interesting you should do it.

As you have just read, there is much more you can do to improve the response to your PDFs. It really doesn't matter what the PDFs are for. Anyone who reads will form some kind of impression about your ebooks and you. As long as you make the effort to create a professional PDF, or at least make it look that way, their impression of you will be positive.

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