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Zeile 1: Zeile 1: −
[[Kategorie:Dynamische Geometrie]]
[[Kategorie:Metakognitive Lernstrategien]]
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| name= Ana Kuzle              <!-- Name der Autorin/des Autors -->
| name= Ana Kuzle              <!-- Name der Autorin/des Autors -->
Zeile 31: Zeile 23:     
Problem solving of the two participants was described through identifying the metacognitive processes within each problem-solving episode, and associating them with the Geometer’s Sketchpad use. During the reading, understanding, and analysis episodes, the participants engaged in monitoring behaviors such as sense making, drawing a diagram, and allocating potential resources and approaches that helped make productive decisions. During the exploring, planning, implementation, and verification episodes, the participants made decisions to access and consider knowledge and strategies, make and test conjectures, monitor the progress, and assess the productivity of activities and strategies and the correctness of an answer. Geometer’s Sketchpad played an important role in supporting these metacognitive processes. Their use of metacognitive questions helped prompt a metacognitive activity. The effectiveness of solution approaches was dependent on the presence of managerial decisions. Cognitive problem-solving actions not accompanied by appropriate metacognitive monitoring actions appeared to lead to unproductive efforts. Redirection and reorganizing of thinking in productive directions occurred when metacognitive actions guided the thinking and when affective behaviors were controlled.
Problem solving of the two participants was described through identifying the metacognitive processes within each problem-solving episode, and associating them with the Geometer’s Sketchpad use. During the reading, understanding, and analysis episodes, the participants engaged in monitoring behaviors such as sense making, drawing a diagram, and allocating potential resources and approaches that helped make productive decisions. During the exploring, planning, implementation, and verification episodes, the participants made decisions to access and consider knowledge and strategies, make and test conjectures, monitor the progress, and assess the productivity of activities and strategies and the correctness of an answer. Geometer’s Sketchpad played an important role in supporting these metacognitive processes. Their use of metacognitive questions helped prompt a metacognitive activity. The effectiveness of solution approaches was dependent on the presence of managerial decisions. Cognitive problem-solving actions not accompanied by appropriate metacognitive monitoring actions appeared to lead to unproductive efforts. Redirection and reorganizing of thinking in productive directions occurred when metacognitive actions guided the thinking and when affective behaviors were controlled.
[[Kategorie:Dynamische Geometrie]]
[[Kategorie:Metakognitive Lernstrategien]]