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{{ conf
| name = The 13h International Congress on Mathematical Education <!-- Ausgeschriebener (langer) Name der Konferenz -->
| kurzname = ICME 13 <!-- Kurzname (z.B. GDM-Tagung 2008) -->
| serie = <!-- Falls die Konferenz regelmäßig stattfindet: der Name der Serie -->
| ort = Hamburg <!-- Stadt, in der die Konferenz stattfindet/stattfand -->
| land = Germany <!-- Land, in der die Konferenz stattfindet/stattfand -->
| url = http://icme13.org/home <!-- Webseite der Konferenz, inklusive http:// -->
| jahr = 2016 <!-- Jahr, in dem die Konferenz stattfand/stattfindet -->
| monat = Juli <!-- Monat, in dem die Konferenz beginnend stattfand/stattfindet, z.B. "Juli" -->
| beginn = 24.07.2016 <!-- Erster Tag der Konferenz, z.B. 13.8.2009 -->
| ende = 31.07.2016 <!-- Letzter Tag der Konferenz, z.B. 15.8.2009 -->

== Kurzbeschreibung ==
<!-- Eine kurze Zusammenfassung der Konferenz -->
The Society of Didactics of Mathematics (Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik - GDM) has the pleasure of hosting ICME-13 in 2016 in Germany. The congress – to be held under the auspices of the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI) – will take place at the University of Hamburg from Sunday, 24th July to Sunday, 31st July 2016. Hamburg is a bustling cosmopolitan port in the north of Germany, and with 1.8 million inhabitants its second largest city. It offers a perfect environment for a challenging congress.

We invite participants from all over the world to come to Hamburg and make ICME-13 a rich experience for all. ICME-3 took place in Germany in 1976 in Karlsruhe, and we are proud to welcome mathematics educators from all over the world back to Germany. The congress attendees will experience the very special characteristics of the German mathematics education discussion, which is closely connected to European traditions of didactics of mathematics and has seen important recent developments.

The Society of Didactics of Mathematics represents the German speaking community of didactics of mathematics, bringing together mathematics education groups from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Supported by the German Mathematical Society, the German Educational Research Association and the German Association for the Advancement of Mathematics and Science Education we are eager to welcome ICME-13 participants to Germany.
== Themen ==
<!-- Stichwortartig Verweise auf die Themen der Konferenz, möglichst mit
Verlinkung auf die Einträge der Enzyklopädie (mit [[...]] ) -->

== Programmkomitee ==
<!-- Auflistung des Programmkomitees
Zwischenüberschriften mit === ... === einfügen, siehe ICTMT-9 als Beispiel -->
Members of the International Programme Committee (IPC) of ICME-13
* [[Gabriele Kaiser]] (Germany) – Chair of IPC ICME-13
* [[Abraham Arcavi]] (Israel) - Elected Secretary General of ICMI
* [[Ferdinando Arzarello]] (Italy) – Elected President of ICMI
* [[Kiril Bankov]] (Bulgaria)
* [[Rute Borba]] (Brasil
* [[George Ekol]] (Uganda)
* [[Helen Forgasz]] (Australia)
* [[Mellony Graven]] (South Africa)
* [[Alain Kuzniak]] (France)
* [[Hee-Chan Lew]] (Korea)
* [[Johnny Lott]] (USA)
* [[Marianne Nolte]] (Germany) – Local Chair of ICME-13
* [[Jarmila Novotna]] (Czech Republic)
* [[Birgit Pepin]] (Norway)
* [[Susanne Prediger]] (Germany)
* [[Elaine Simmt]] (Canada)
* [[John Toland]] (Great Britain) – Representative of IMU
* [[Kalifa Traoré]] (Burkina Faso)
* [[Behiye Ubuz]] (Turkey)
* [[Monica Ester Villarreal]] (Argentina)
* [[Binyan Xu]] (China)
* Senior Advisor: [[Mogens Niss]] (Denmark)

== Hauptvorträge / Plenary Lectures ==
<!-- Auflistung der Hauptvorträge mit Titel -->
Uncovering the Special Mathematical Practices of Teaching - [[Deborah Loewenberg Ball]] (USA)

Mathematics Education in its Cultural Context: Plus and Minus Thirty Years - [[Bill Barton]] (New Zealand)

Mathematics Classroom Studies - Multiple Windows and Perspectives - [[Berinderjeet Kaur]] (Singapore)

Elementary Geometry from a higher standpoint: Transformation groups and configuration spaces - [[Günter Ziegler]] (Germany)

== Veröffentlichungen ==
<!-- Verweise auf die Tagungsbände der Konferenz und special issues von Zeitschriften -->

== Konferenzbericht ==
<!-- Bericht über die Konferenz aus Teilnehmersicht -->

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