Mascil-DZLM 2014 - Educating the Educators - Conference on International Approaches to Scaling-up Professional Development in Maths and Science Education 2014: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Zeile 68: Zeile 68:
===Conference Board===
===Conference Board===
*The conference board is represented by:
*The conference board is represented by:
**[[Bärbel Barzel]],[[DZLM]], [[Universität Duisburg-Essen]]
**[[Bärbel Barzel]], [[DZLM]], [[Universität Duisburg-Essen]]
**[[Katja Maaß]],mascil, [[Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg]]
**[[Katja Maaß]], mascil, [[Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg]]
**[[Günter Törner]],[[DZLM]], [[Universität Duisburg-Essen]]
**[[Günter Törner]], [[DZLM]], [[Universität Duisburg-Essen]]
**[[Diana Wernisch]],mascil, [[Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg]]
**[[Diana Wernisch]], mascil, [[Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg]]
== Hauptvorträge ==
== Hauptvorträge ==

Version vom 27. Dezember 2016, 17:53 Uhr

Konferenz: Educating the Educators - Conference on International Approaches to Scaling-up Professional Development in Maths and Science Education 2014 (Mascil-DZLM 2014). Essen, Deutschland. Internet: Educating the Educators - Conference on International Approaches to Scaling-up Professional Development in Maths and Science Education 2014

Termin: 15.12.2014 - 16.12.2014 Dezember 2014


The European project mascil (mathematics and science for life!, and the DZLM (German Centre for Mathematics Teacher Education, are pleased to host the conference. The DZLM is an initiative of and funded by the Deutsche Telekom Foundation (www.telekom‐ The project mascil has received funding from the European Union’s 7th Framework Programme. Event supporters are the University of Education Freiburg, the University Duisburg-Essen and the EMS (European Mathematical Society).

This is the first international conference specifically devoted to the topic of educating the educators (such as teachers, teacher educators, the educators of teacher educators as well as multipliers and institutions engaged in teacher professional development) in particular in relation to innovative teaching concepts, such as inquiry-based learning. It will serve as a lever and platform for international exchange about these innovative teaching approaches and experiences concerning such questions as: What are the features of successful concepts and professional development (PD)? What are the needs and experiences of the different target groups? Which pitfalls have to be avoided?

This international conference will connect researchers and practitioners engaged in the field of maths and science education in order to discuss concepts of scaling-up teacher professional development. A special feature of this conference is that it will bring together researchers and practitioners (including the target group of teacher educators themselves) and will initiate an exchange between teacher education centres in the different countries. Key to scaling-up concepts - and core to the conference - will be the education, professional development and support of multipliers. The conference will approach the subject from the perspectives of: 1. Individual countries and their particularities; 2. Different target-groups and their needs (policy makers, educators of teacher educators) and 3. The end-users (teacher educators, teachers and their everyday classroom practice).

Innovative and interactive formats will be used during the conference to help bring out the specific benefit of gathering a circle of participants from both research and practice. Relevance for, and impact on, practice will be ensured by using oral presentations and discussion, demonstrations (e.g. simulation of professional development situations, demonstration of materials) with subsequentfacilitatedreflection and practice-oriented reports from teacher educators, training centres and policy makers. The conference will be rounded out with keynote lectures, a poster session and a closing plenary discussion based on the reports of track rapporteurs.

The conference will be organized in four different tracks, each addressing four different means of scaling-up professional development in maths and science education. Each track will cover the field of science as well as mathematics. The aim is to present and discuss different approaches which ensure a high quality of the education of educators:

  1. Scaling-up with multipliers in face-to-face professional development courses
  2. Blended learning concepts and e-learning support
  3. Disseminating and scaling-up through materials
  4. Professional learning communities


Teacher educators and researchers, multipliers and relevant networks, educators of multipliers and teacher educators, policy makers, teacher training centres, maths and science education support centres, presidents and heads of training institutions/centres and relevant networks.

It is essential that your proposal clearly refers to one of the tracks (conference participants will also be asked to choose one track they will attend):

  • Track 1: Scaling-up with multipliers in face-to-face professional development courses
  • Track 2: Blended learning concepts and e-learning support
  • Track 3: Disseminating and scaling-up through materials
  • Track 4: Professional learning communities


Scientific board

The scientific board will support the track chairing teams with scientific and conceptual advice to assure a high scientific quality of the conference and possible subsequent publication(s).

Track chairing teams

  • The Tracks are represented by:
  1. Scaling-up with multipliers in face-to-face professional development courses
    1. Chairing team: Ragnhild Lyngved Staberg, Birgit Pepin, Josette Farrugia, Konrad Krainer
  2. Blended learning concepts and e-learning support
    1. Chairing team: Suzanne Kapelari, Javier Garcia, Ulrich Kortenkamp
  3. Disseminating and scaling-up through materials
    1. Chairing team: Michiel Doorman, Martin Bilek, Valentina Dagiene, Philipp Schmiemann
  4. Professional learning communities
    1. Chairing team: Bettina Rösken-Winter, Geoff Wake, Despina Potari, Elke Sumfleth

Conference Board


The keynote and track plenary speakers provide high-quality contribution about different approaches of scaling-up professional development in maths and science education.


Track plenaries

