The Role of Concrete Manipulative Materials in Improving Achievement Level of Visually Handicapped Pupils in Mathematics

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Mohamed El-Demerdash (2004): The Role of Concrete Manipulative Materials in Improving Achievement Level of Visually Handicapped Pupils in Mathematics. Dissertation, Damietta Faculty of Education, Mansoura University.
Betreut durch Ulrich Kortenkamp .
Tag der mündlichen Prüfung: 11.12.2003.

Study Summary

Aim of the Study

The study aimed at investigating the role of concrete manipulative materials (modified algebra tiles) in comparison to the traditional methods of teaching in enhancing the achievement levels of visually handicapped students in mathematics. The study focused on the unit of algebraic terms and expressions studied by the visually handicapped students in middle schools in the school year 2002-2003.

Significance of the Study

Key Words



