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342 Bytes hinzugefügt ,  12:56, 2. Jun. 2015
Zeile 46: Zeile 46:  
*Rolka, K.; Halverscheid, S. (2011). Researching young students’ mathematical world views. ZDM – The International Journal on Mathematics Education 43(4), pp. 521-533.
*Rolka, K.; Halverscheid, S. (2011). Researching young students’ mathematical world views. ZDM – The International Journal on Mathematics Education 43(4), pp. 521-533.
*Prediger, S.; Rolka, K. (2009). Using betting games for initiating conceptual change in mathematics classrooms – A qualitative study on probabilistic thinking. Asian Journal of Educational Research and Synergy 1(1), pp. 57-67.
*Prediger, S.; Rolka, K. (2009). Using betting games for initiating conceptual change in mathematics classrooms – A qualitative study on probabilistic thinking. Asian Journal of Educational Research and Synergy 1(1), pp. 57-67.
*Liljedahl, P.; Rolka, K.; Rösken, B. (2007). Affecting Affect: The reeducation of preservice teachers’ beliefs about mathematics and mathematics teaching and learning. In W.G. Martin, M.E. Strutchens & P.C. Elliott (Eds.). The Learning of Mathematics. Sixty-ninth Yearbook of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (p. 319-330).
*Bauer, L.; Rolka, K.; Törner, G. (2005). Mentale Repräsentationen von Irrationalzahlen – Eine Analyse von Schülerinnenaufsätzen. Journal für Mathematikdidaktik 26(1), 3-27.
*Bauer, L.; Rolka, K.; Törner, G. (2005). Mentale Repräsentationen von Irrationalzahlen – Eine Analyse von Schülerinnenaufsätzen. Journal für Mathematikdidaktik 26(1), 3-27.


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