The International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) is the largest congress in the mathematics community. It is held once every four years under the auspices of the International Mathematical Union ([[IMU]]). The Fields Medals, the Nevanlinna Prize, and the Gauss Prize are awarded during the congress’ opening ceremony. In the 2010 ICM, a new prize also will be awarded, the Chern Medal Award. Each congress is memorialized by a printed learned Proceedings recording academic papers based on invited talks intended to reflect the current state of the science.
The International Congress of Mathematicians ([[ICM]]) is the largest congress in the mathematics community. It is held once every four years under the auspices of the International Mathematical Union ([[IMU]]). The Fields Medals, the Nevanlinna Prize, and the Gauss Prize are awarded during the congress’ opening ceremony. In the 2010 ICM, a new prize also will be awarded, the Chern Medal Award. Each congress is memorialized by a printed learned Proceedings recording academic papers based on invited talks intended to reflect the current state of the science.
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