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, 12:36, 1. Feb. 2011
<!-- Dissertationen grundsätzlich mit der folgenden Vorlage "diss" erstellen! -->
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| name= [[Anke_Lindmeier|Anke Lindmeier]] <!-- Name der Autorin/des Autors -->
| titel = {{Modeling and Measuring Knowledge and Competencies of Teachers. A Threefold Domain-Specific Structure Model for Mathematics
}} <!-- Titel der Dissertation (gleich dem Seitennamen) -->
| hochschule= Technische Universität München <!-- Name der Hochschule -->
| jahr = 2010 <!-- Jahr der Promotion -->
| betreut1 = [[Kristina_Reiss|Prof. Kristina Reiss]]<!-- Erstbetreuer/in -->
| betreut2 =<!-- Zweitbetreuer/in -->
| begutachtet1 = [[Aiso_Heinze|Prof. Aiso Heinze]] <!-- Erstgutachter/in -->
| begutachtet2 = Prof. Tina Seidel <!-- Zweitgutachter/in -->
| begutachtet3 = <!-- ggf. Drittgutacher/in -->
| download = <!-- Download-URL (inkl. http://) -->
| sprache = Englisch <!-- Nur ausfüllen, falls nicht Deutsch -->
| note = <!-- in Worten oder Zahlen -->
| pruefungam = <!-- Datum der mündlichen Prüfung in Form 25.12.2009 -->
| schulart = <!-- Hauptschule, Realschule, ... -->
| stufe = <!-- Primarstufe, Sekundarstufe 1, Sekundarstufe 2, ... -->
== Zusammenfassung ==
Research on teaching and learning puts increasing attention on
the expertise of teachers, as it is seen as one constitutive factor
of instructional quality. Recent studies used content knowledge and
pedagogical content knowledge as predicting variables for expertise
in order to explain success in student learning for example. In this
work, potential disadvantages of these approaches are analyzed:
Managing classroom situations competently needs more than just
content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge. The analysis
and description of additional, domain-specific competencies is
the topic of this publication.
Therefore, this work proposes a model compatible with existing
approaches. It consists of three components of domain-specific
competencies: First, a basic component of mathematical and mathematical
pedagogical knowledge, second, reflective competencies,
and third, action-related competencies. In addition, it is discussed
how these three constructs could be operationalized. It is proposed
to complement the known paper-and-pencil item formats by videoand
computer-based formats in order to increase the validity of tests.
Moreover, design and results of a feasibility study with teachers
and prospective teachers from secondary level are reported. The
results show that in principle it is possible to measure the three areas
of competencies separately.
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== Schlagworte ==
<!-- Bitte Schlagworte mit [[...]] umschließen, um auf die Enzyklopädie zu verweisen
Kompetenzen von Lehrkräften, Computerbasierte Forschungsmethodik, Videobasierte Forschungsmethodik -->
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