PME 38 - 38th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Aktuelle Version vom 29. Oktober 2017, 21:47 Uhr

Konferenz: 38th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME 38). Vancouver, Canada. Internet: 38th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education

Termin: 15. - 20. Juli 2014


The International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (IG PME) is an autonomous body, governed as provided for in the constitution. It is an official subgroup of the International Commission for Mathematical Instruction (ICMI) and came into existence at the Third International Congress on Mathematics Education (ICME3) held in Karlsruhe, Germany in 1976.


Mathematics Education at the Edge has been chosen as the theme of the conference. Academically, the theme provides opportunities to highlight and examine mathematics education research that is: 1) breaking new ground or on the cutting edge of innovative research and research methodologies; and 2) exploring issues with groups that are often positioned at the edge or periphery of educational research such as social justice, peace education, equity, and Indigenous education. Geographically, the theme Mathematics Education at the Edge describes the very place of the conference setting, Vancouver, a city situated at the edge of Canada on the Pacific Ocean and Coast Mountain Range.



Plenary Lectures - Mathematics Education at the Edge

  • George Hart (USA)
  • Luis Radford (Canada)
  • Orit Zaslavsky (Israel and USA)
  • Gabriele Kaiser (Germany)

Plenary Panel - The Calculus of Social Change – Mathematics at the Cutting Edge

  • Mamokgethi Setati Phakeng (South Africa, Convener)
  • David Wagner (Canada)
  • Paola Valero (Denmark)
  • Margaret Walshaw (New Zealand)
  • Anjum Halai (Pakistan and Tanzania)

Young Researchers’ Day

For the first time, and as a pilot, PME is pleased to offer a special day for young (early career) researchers who are also attending the PME conference. The day will directly precede the main PME conference and will consist of presentations, working groups and other kinds of sessions planned to be of value to those new to research in mathematics education. If it proves to be of interest and value, the IC and local organizations will propose to the AGM that such an event should become a permanent feature of PME activity.

Excursions and Tours

In addition to the scientific program, we will prepare several excursions and tours. These are still in the process of being finalized and will be focused on activities and events that are available in the immediate Vancouver area. This will avoid long transportation times between the conference venue and the excursions. Some possible excursions are listed below.

