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Thorsten Scheiners wissenschaftliche Schwerpunkte liegen in der Mathematikdidaktik und in der Lehrerbildung mit besonderem Augenmerk auf der Sekundar- und Hochschulbildung. Zudem ist er Mitglied der Editorial Boards von drei führenden internationalen Fachzeitschriften: Teaching and Teacher Education, International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education und Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education.
Thorsten Scheiners wissenschaftliche Schwerpunkte liegen in der Mathematikdidaktik und in der Lehrerbildung mit besonderem Augenmerk auf der Sekundar- und Hochschulbildung. Zudem ist er Mitglied der Editorial Boards von drei führenden internationalen Fachzeitschriften: Teaching and Teacher Education, International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education und Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education.
== Veröffentlichungen ==
== Ausgewählte Veröffentlichungen ==
* Scheiner, T. (2021). Towards a more comprehensive model of teacher noticing. ZDM - Mathematics Education, 53(1), 85-94.
*Scheiner, T., Godino, J., Montes, M., Pino-Fan, L., & Climent, N. (2022). On metaphors in thinking about preparing mathematics for teaching. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 111(2), 253–270. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10649-022-10154-4
* Scheiner, T. (2020). Dealing with opposing theoretical perspectives: Knowledge in structures or knowledge in pieces? Educational Studies in Mathematics, 104(1), 127-145.  
*Scheiner, T., & Pinto, M.M.F. (2022). Sense-making in mathematics: An act of comprehension or creation? For the Learning of Mathematics, 42(3), 16–20.
* Scheiner, T., & Pinto, M. M. F. (2019). Emerging perspectives in mathematical cognition: Contextualizing, complementizing, and complexifying. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 101(3), 357-372.  
*Scheiner, T., & Pinto, M. M. F. (2019). Emerging perspectives in mathematical cognition: Contextualizing, complementizing, and complexifying. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 101(3), 357-372.  
* Scheiner, T., Montes, M. A., Godino, J. D., Carrillo, J., & Pino-Fan, L. (2019). What makes mathematics teacher knowledge specialized? Offering alternative views. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 17(1), 153-172.
*Scheiner, T. (2022). Examining assumptions about the need for teachers to transform subject matter into pedagogical forms accessible to students. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 28(1), 1–11.  https://doi.org/10.1080/13540602.2021.2016688
* Scheiner, T. (2016). Teacher noticing: enlightening or blinding? ZDM - Mathematics Education, 48(1), 227-238.
*Scheiner, T. (2021). Towards a more comprehensive model of teacher noticing. ZDM – Mathematics Education, 53(1), 85–94.  https://doi.org/10.1007/s11858-020-01202-5
*Scheiner, T. (2016). New light on old horizon: constructing mathematical concepts, underlying abstraction processes, and sense making strategies. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 91(2), 165-183.
*Scheiner, T. (2020). Dealing with opposing theoretical perspectives: Knowledge in structures or knowledge in pieces? Educational Studies in Mathematics, 104(1), 127–145. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10649-020-09950-7
*Scheiner, T., Montes, M. A., Godino, J. D., Carrillo, J., & Pino-Fan, L. (2019). What makes mathematics teacher knowledge specialized? Offering alternative views. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 17(1), 153–172. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10763-017-9859-6
*Scheiner, T., & Pinto, M. M. F. (2019). Emerging perspectives in mathematical cognition: contextualizing, complementizing, and complexifying. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 101(3), 357–372. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10649-019-9879-y
*Scheiner, T. (2016). Teacher noticing: enlightening or blinding? ZDM Mathematics Education, 48(1), 227–238. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11858-016-0771-2
*Scheiner, T. (2016). New light on old horizon: constructing mathematical concepts, underlying abstraction processes, and sense making strategies. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 91(2), 165–183. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10649-015-9665-4
