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Zeile 22: Zeile 22:  
# [[A.W. Bell]]: The Learning of Generalisation and Proof
# [[A.W. Bell]]: The Learning of Generalisation and Proof
# [[Heinrich Bauersfeld]]: Interpersonal Aspects of Classroom Communication
# [[Heinrich Bauersfeld]]: Interpersonal Aspects of Classroom Communication
# [[A. Vermandel]] und [[Elmar Cohors-Fresenborg]]: The Nature of Mathematical Thinking
# [[Alfred Vermandel]] und [[Elmar Cohors-Fresenborg]]: The Nature of Mathematical Thinking
# [[E. Fischbein]] und [[R.R. Skemp]]: Intuitive and Reflective Processes in Mathematics
# [[E. Fischbein]] und [[R.R. Skemp]]: Intuitive and Reflective Processes in Mathematics
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