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674 Bytes hinzugefügt ,  09:10, 17. Jan. 2017
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== Veröffentlichungen ==
== Veröffentlichungen ==
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*Leikin, R. & Pitta-Pantazi, D. (Eds.) (2013). Creativity and mathematics education. Special issue in [[ZDM|ZDM - The International Journal on Mathematics Education]], 45(2), 159-332.
*Karp A. & Leikin R. (Eds.) (2011). Mathematical gift and promise: Exploring and developing. Special issue in Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 11(1), 1-89.
* [[Person X]] Publikation 1 ...
*Leikin, R. & R. Zazkis (Eds.) (2010). Learning through teaching mathematics: Development of teachers' knowledge and expertise in practice. Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Springer.
*Leikin, R., A. Berman & B. Koichu (Eds.) (2009). Creativity in mathematics and the education of gifted students. Rotterdam, the Netherlands: Sense Publisher.
Bitte beschränken Sie sich auf die fünf wichtigsten Veröffentlichungen.
*Mednikov, L., Leikin, R. & Gurevich, I. (2004). The book of mathematical competitions: Different methods for mathematical competitions, accompanied by sets of mathematical problems. Technion, Haifa (In Hebrew).
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