Hier finden Sie in der Madipedia verzeichnete Konferenzen.
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- Liste der Bundes- und Jahrestagungen der GDM
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Alphabetisch sortierte Konferenzliste
- 16e Ecole d'été de didactique des mathématiques - Association pour la Recherche en Didactique des Mathématiques,
- 4. Fachtagung der Gemeinsamen Kommission Lehrerbildung der GDM, DMV, MNU
- 5. Fachtagung der gemeinsamen Kommission Lehrerbildung von DMV, GDM, MNU
- AFRICME 3 - 3rd Africa Regional Congress of ICMI on Mathematical Education
- AFRICME 5 - 5th Africa Regional Congress of ICMI on Mathematical Education
- ATCM 2007 - 12th Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics
- ATCM 2008 - 13th Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics
- ATCM 2009 - 14th Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics
- ATCM 2010 - 15th Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics
- ATCM 2011 - 16th Asian Technology Conference of Mathematics
- ATCM 2012 - 17th Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics
- ATCM 2013 - 18th Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics
- ATCM 2014 - 19th Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics
- ATCM 2017 - 22nd Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics
- Aachener Lehrerfortbildungstag 2020
- AllgMath 2012 - Allgemeine Mathematik: Mathematik im Prozess
- Arbeitskreis Lehr-Lern-Labore - Herbsttagung 2018
- CADGME 2007 - 1st Central- and Eastern European Conference on Computer Algebra- and Dynamic Geometry Systems in Mathematics Education
- CADGME 2009 - 2nd Central- and Eastern European Conference on Computer Algebra and Dynamic Geometry Systems in Mathematics Education
- CADGME 2010 - 3rd Central- and Eastern European Conference onComputer Algebra and Dynamic Geometry Systems in Mathematics Education
- CADGME 2012 - Fourth Central- and Eastern European Conference on Computer Algebra and Dynamic Geometry Systems in Mathematics Education
- CADGME 2014 - Fifth Central- and Eastern European Conference on Computer Algebra- and Dynamic Geometry Systems in Mathematics Education
- CARN 2011 - Collaborative Action Research Network
- CAT 2017 - 7. Computeralgebra-Tagung
- CBUW 2012 - Creating Balance in an Unjust World
- CERME 10 - Tenth Conference of European Research in Mathematics Education
- CERME 11 - Eleventh Conference of European Research in Mathematics Education
- CERME 12
- CERME 6 - Sixth Conference of European Research in Mathematics Education
- CERME 7 - Seventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education
- CERME 8 - Eighth Conference of European Research in Mathematics Education
- CERME 9 - Ninth Conference of European Research in Mathematics Education
- CIAEM 15 - Inter-American Conference on Mathematics Education
- CIAEM 8 - Inter-American Conference on Mathematics Education
- CICM2014 - Conferences on Intelligent Computer Mathematics
- CIEAEM 63 - Facilitating access and participation: Mathematical practices inside and outside the classroom
- CIEAEM 69 - The 69th Conference of the International Commission for the Study and Improvement of Mathematics Teaching
- CIEAEM 70 - Mathematics and Living Together: Social Process and Didactic Principle
- CMCGS 2016 - 5th Annual International Conference on Computational Mathematics, Computational Geometry & Statistics
- CME 2014 - Children’s Mathematical Education 2014
- CME 2018 - Contemporary Mathematics Education
- CMEEGS 2010 - 6th International conference on Creativity in Mathematics Education and the Education of Gifted Students
- CRUME 2010 - Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education
- CoSMEd 2017 - Seventh International Conference on Science and Mathematics Education
- DFG-Antragsworkshop der GDM/GDCP
- DIMAVI26 - The 26th Conference of Mathematical Views (digital)
- DMV-Jahrestagung 2019
- DZLM-Jahrestagung 2015
- DZLM-Jahrestagung 2018
- EARCOME 5 - The Fifth East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education
- EARCOME 6 - The Sixth East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education
- EARCOME 8 - 8th ICMI-East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education
- ECER 2011 - European Conference on Educational Research
- ECM 8 - 8th European Congress of Mathematics
- ECMI 2018 - The 20th European Conference on Mathematics for Industry
- EIMI - Educational Interfaces between Mathematics and Industry
- ELAM 2011 - E-learning and Mathematics
- EMF 2012 - Espace Mathématique Francophone
- EMF 2018 - Espace Mathématique Francophone
- EPISTEME 4 - 4th International Conference to Review Research on Science, Technology and Mathematics Education
- EPISTEME 7 - 7th International Conference to Review Research on Science, Technology and Mathematics Education
- ESU 8 - Eigth European Summer University on History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education
- ESU-6 - 6th European Summer University on the History and Epistemology in Mathematics
- ETC 1 - CITADS - First ERME Topic Conference on Anthropological Theory of the Didactic
- ETC 2 - INDRUM 2016 - First conference of International Network for Didactic Research in University Mathematics
- ETC 3 - Third ERME Topic Conference on Mathematics Teacher Education
- ETC 4 - Fourth ERME Topic Conference on Classroom-based Research on Mathematics and Language
- ETC 5 - 5th ERME Topic Conference on Mathematics Education in the Digital Age (MEDA)
- ETC 6 - INDRUM 2018 - Sixth ERME Topic Conference on University Mathematics Education
- Elementary Geometry from an Advanced Point of view
- Eleventh Iranian Mathematics Education Conference
- F3 – Fachdidaktische Forschungsperspektiven Funktionen
- FAMA - Family Math for adult learners international conference - Family and communities in and out of the classroom: ways to improve mathematics' achievement
- FISER 14 - Frontiers in Mathematics and Science Education Research 2014
- Fachtagung der Gemeinsamen Kommission Lehrerbildung der GDM, DMV, MNU
- FoBeFöMa - 17. Forum für Begabungsförderung in Mathematik
- Forschendes Lernen - The wider view
- GAMM-Jahrestagung 2018
- GDM Nachwuchskonferenz 2017
- GDM-Jahrestagung 1967
- GDM-Jahrestagung 1968
- GDM-Jahrestagung 1969
- GDM-Jahrestagung 1970
- GDM-Jahrestagung 1971
- GDM-Jahrestagung 1972
- GDM-Jahrestagung 1973
- GDM-Jahrestagung 1974
- GDM-Jahrestagung 1975
- GDM-Jahrestagung 1976
- GDM-Jahrestagung 1977
- GDM-Jahrestagung 1978
- GDM-Jahrestagung 1983
- GDM-Jahrestagung 1984
- GDM-Jahrestagung 1985
- GDM-Jahrestagung 1986
- GDM-Jahrestagung 1987
- GDM-Jahrestagung 1988
- GDM-Jahrestagung 1989
- GDM-Jahrestagung 1990
- GDM-Jahrestagung 1991
- GDM-Jahrestagung 1992
- GDM-Jahrestagung 1993
- GDM-Jahrestagung 1994
- GDM-Jahrestagung 1995
- GDM-Jahrestagung 1996
- GDM-Jahrestagung 1997
- GDM-Jahrestagung 1998
- GDM-Jahrestagung 1999
- GDM-Jahrestagung 2000
- GDM-Jahrestagung 2001
- GDM-Jahrestagung 2002
- GDM-Jahrestagung 2003
- GDM-Jahrestagung 2004
- GDM-Jahrestagung 2005
- GDM-Jahrestagung 2006
- GDM-Jahrestagung 2008
- GDM-Jahrestagung 2009
- GDM-Jahrestagung 2011
- GDM-Jahrestagung 2012
- GDM-Jahrestagung 2013
- GDM-Jahrestagung 2014
- GDM-Jahrestagung 2015
- GDM-Jahrestagung 2016
- GDM-Jahrestagung 2017
- GDM-Jahrestagung 2019
- GDM-Jahrestagung 2020
- GDM-Jahrestagung 2021
- GDM-Jahrestagung 2022
- GDM-Jahrestagung 2024
- GDMV-Jahrestagung 2007
- GDMV-Jahrestagung 2010
- GDMV-Jahrestagung 2018
- GEBF-Jahrestagung 2016
- GEBF-Jahrestagung 2018
- GEBF-Jahrestagung 2019
- GELEFA - Geschlechtergerechte Fachdidaktik in Naturwissenschaften, Technik und Wirtschaftswissenschaften 2016
- GraVisMa 2011 - International Conferences on Computer Graphics, Vision and Mathematics
- Grazer Grundschulkongress 2018
- HPM 2012 - History and Pedagogy of Mathematics - The HPM Satellite Meeting of ICME-12
- HPM 2016 - History and Pedagogy of Mathematics - The HPM Satellite Meeting of ICME 13
- Hanse-Kolloquium 2018
- Hanse-Kolloquium 2020
- Hanse-Kolloquium 2021
- Hanse-Kolloquium zur Hochschuldidaktik der Mathematik 2013
- Hanse-Kolloquium zur Hochschuldidaktik der Mathematik 2014
- Herbsttagung 2013 AK Psychologie und Mathematikdidaktik
- Herbsttagung 2018 des GDM-Arbeitskreises Mathematik und Bildung
- Herkules 2017 - Kohärenz in der Lehrerbildung
- History of European Universities. Challenges and transformations
- I2GEO 2010 - Interoperable Interactive Geometry Conference
- ICEM 1 - 1st International Congress of Ethnomathematics
- ICEM 4 - Fourth International Conference on Ethnomathematics
- ICEM 6 - 6th International Congress of Ethnomathematics
- ICESME 2018 - International Conference of Engineering, Science and Mathematics Education
- ICHME 5 - Fifth International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education
- ICM 2006 - International Congress of Mathematicians 2006
- ICM 2010 - International Congress of Mathematicians 2010
- ICM 2018 - International Congress of Mathematicians 2018
- ICME 10 - The 10th International Congress on Mathematical Education
- ICME 12 - The 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education
- ICME 13 - The 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education
- ICME 14 - The 14th International Congress on Mathematical Education
- ICMEFP 14 - 14th International Conference of the Mathematics Education for the Future Project
- ICMEFP 15 - 15th International Conference of the Mathematics Education for the Future Project
- ICMELS 2018 - 20th International Conference on Mathematics Education and Learning Sciences
- ICMER 2010 - International Conference On Mathematics Education Research
- ICMI Study 21 Conference - International Commission on Mathematical Instruction Study 21 Conference
- ICMME 2016 - International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education
- ICMME 2017 - International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education
- ICMME 2018 - International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education
- ICMT 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Mathematics Textbook Research and Development
- ICMT3 - Third International Conference on Mathematics Textbook Research and Development
- ICOTS 8 - 8th International Conference on Teaching Statistics
- ICREM 5 - The 5th International Conference on Research and Education in Mathematics
- ICRSME 2010 - 2010 Consultation of the International Consortium for Research in Science and Mathematics Education
- ICTCM 2018 - 30th International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics
- ICTMA 14 - 14th International Conference on the Teaching of Mathematical Modelling and Applications
- ICTMA 15 - 15th International Conference on the Teaching of Mathematical Modelling and Applications
- ICTMA 16 - 16th International Conference on the Teaching of Mathematical Modelling and Applications
- ICTMA 17 - 17th International Conference on the Teaching of Mathematical Modelling and Applications
- ICTMA 18 - 18th International Conference on the Teaching of Mathematical Modelling and Applications
- ICTMT 10 - 10th International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching
- ICTMT 11 - 11th International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching
- ICTMT 13 - International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching 13
- ICTMT 9 - The 9th International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching
- IECMSA 2015 - 4th International Eurasian Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Applications
- IFIP Working Conference 2015 - A New Culture of Learning: Computing and Next Generations
- ILTB 2018 - 11. Informatiklehrertag Bayern (ILTB)
- ISMEDC 10 - 10th International Conference on Science and Mathematics Education in Developing Countries
- ISMEDC 4 - 4th International conference on "Science and Mathematics Education in Developing Countries"
- ISMETCCD - The 15th International Seminar of Mathematics Education on Talented Children and Creativity Development
- ISTLA 2017 - International symposium on the teaching and learning of Algebra 2017
- ISTRON-Tagung 2017
- Interdisciplinary Workshop on Cognitive Neuroscience, Educational Research, and Cognitive Modelling
- International colloquium in honour of Michele Artigue: The didactics of mathematics: approaches and issues
- Junglehrer-Tagung 2018 in Berlin
- Junglehrer-Tagung 2018 in Darmstadt
- Junglehrer-Tagung 2018 in Jena
- KHDM Arbeitstagung 2011 - Mathematische Vor- und Brückenkurse: Konzepte und Perspektiven
- KSME 44 - The 44th Korean Nat’l Meeting of Mathematics Education
- KonfBD18 - Konferenz Bildung Digitalisierung 2018
- Lehrerfortbildungstag 2018 "Mit Vielfalt rechnen!"
- MACAS 2015 - 5th International Symposium of Mathematics and ist Connections to the Arts and Sciences 2015
- MACAS 2017 - Mathematics and its Connections to the Arts and Sciences 2017
- MAVI24 - The 24th International Conference of Mathematical Views
- MAVI27 - The 27th Conference of Mathematical Views
- MCG 10 - 10th International Conference Mathematical Creativity and Giftedness
- MCG 2019 - 11th International Conference Mathematical Creativity and Giftedness
- MEC 21 - 12th International Conference of The Mathematics Education into the 21st Century Project
- MEC 21 - The Mathematics Education into the 21st Century Project: 11th International Conference "Turning Dreams into Reality: Transformations and Paradigm Shifts in Mathematics Education"
- MERGA 40 - 40th Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia
- MES 10 - International Mathematics Education and Society Conference 2019
- MES 9 - 9th International Mathematics Education and Society Conference
- MINT-Grundschullehrer/innen Tag
- MINT-Kolleg-Tagung 2018
- MINT-Tagung 2017
- MNU-Bundeskongress 2017
- MNU-Bundeskongress 2018
- Mascil-DZLM 2014 - Educating the Educators - Conference on International Approaches to Scaling-up Professional Development in Maths and Science Education 2014
- MathTED 2011 - The 8th Biennial Conference of the Philippine Council of Mathematics Teacher Educators
- Mathe inklusiv mit PIKAS - Tagung 2018
- Mathematische Bildung neu denken
- OSME 2010 - 5th International Conference on Origami in Science, Mathematics and Education
- OSME 2014 - 6th International Meeting on Origami in Science, Mathematics and Education
- OSME 2018 - 7th International Meeting on Origami in Science, Mathematics and Education
- PIKAS-Bundestagung 2018
- PME 2 - 2nd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education
- PME 34 - 34th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education
- PME 35 - 35th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education
- PME 36 - 36th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education
- PME 37 - 37th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education
- PME 38 - 38th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education
- PME 39 - 39th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education
- PME 40 - 40th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education
- PME 41 - 41st Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education
- PME 42 - 42nd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education
- PME 43 - 43rd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education
- PME 45
- PME Regional Conference 2019 - Technology and Psychology for Mathematics Education
- POEM 2012 - A Mathematics Education Perspective on early Mathematics Learning 2012
- POEM 2014 - A Mathematics Education Perspective on Early Mathematics Learning 2014
- Perspektiven mathematischer Bildung im Übergang vom Kindergarten zur Grundschule
- Philosophy of Mathematics: Sociological Aspects and Mathematical Practice
- Potsdamer Tag der Lehrerbildung 2018
- Praxisphasen in der Mathematiklehrerbildung an Hochschulen
- Professionelle Lerngemeinschaften als Entwicklungsinstrument im Bildungswesen
- RME 3 - 3rd International Realistic Mathematics Education Conference
- SAARMSTE 2018 - 26th Conference of the Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education
- SEMT 11 - Symposium on Elementary Maths Teaching 11
- SEMT 2017 - International Symposium - Elementary Mathematics Teaching 2017
- SIEMAT 3 - The Third International Seminar on Mathematics Education
- Seventh International Conference on Science, Mathematics & Technology Education:"Transformations through Science, Mathematics and Technology Education - Towards an Innovative and Sustainable Society"
- Sommerschule Kryptologie 2011
- Symposium "Rolle der Mathematik in den INT-Fächern"
- Symposium „Lernen digital" 2017
- Symposium „Lernen digital“ 2019
- TIME 2011 - Fourth National Workshop & Conference - Technology and Innovation in Maths Education
- TIME 2014 - Fifth National Workshop & Conference - Technology and Innovation in Maths Education
- Tenth Maghrebian Colloquium on the History of Arab Mathematics
- U.S. - Finland Workshop on Mathematics Education
- Videobasierte Kompetenzforschung in den Fachdidaktiken
- Volcanic DELTA 2011 - Eighth Southern Hemisphere Conference on the Teaching and Learning of Undergraduate Mathematics and Statistics
- Was der Fall ist - Fallarbeit in Bildungsforschung und Lehrerbildung
- YERME Day 2017
- YESS 5 - Fifth Yerme Summer School
- YESS 6 - Sixth Yerme Summer School
- YESS 9 - Ninth YERME Summer School
- ZKSB 2017 - ZEIT-Konferenz Schule & Bildung: Alles digital?! - Wie guter MINT-Unterricht gelingen kann
- Zukunftsforum Bildungsforschung 2015
Seiten in der Kategorie „Konferenzen“
Folgende 200 Seiten sind in dieser Kategorie, von 283 insgesamt.
(vorherige Seite) (nächste Seite)0
- CERME 10 - Tenth Conference of European Research in Mathematics Education
- CMEEGS 2010 - 6th International conference on Creativity in Mathematics Education and the Education of Gifted Students
- Elementary Geometry from an Advanced Point of view
- FISER 14 - Frontiers in Mathematics and Science Education Research 2014
- GDM-Jahrestagung 1970
- GDM-Jahrestagung 1983
- GDM-Jahrestagung 1988
- GDM-Jahrestagung 1999
- GDM-Jahrestagung 2004
- ICESME 2018 - International Conference of Engineering, Science and Mathematics Education
- ICM 2018 - International Congress of Mathematicians 2018
- IFIP Working Conference 2015 - A New Culture of Learning: Computing and Next Generations
- Junglehrer-Tagung 2018 in Jena
- TIME 2014 - Fifth National Workshop & Conference - Technology and Innovation in Maths Education
- GDM-Jahrestagung 1968
- GDM-Jahrestagung 1998
- GDM-Jahrestagung 2009
- Grazer Grundschulkongress 2018
- I2GEO 2010 - Interoperable Interactive Geometry Conference
- MERGA 40 - 40th Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia
- EMF 2012 - Espace Mathématique Francophone
- GDM-Jahrestagung 1997
- GDM-Jahrestagung 2003
- ICTMT 13 - International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching 13
- Junglehrer-Tagung 2018 in Berlin
- KHDM Arbeitstagung 2011 - Mathematische Vor- und Brückenkurse: Konzepte und Perspektiven
- PME 40 - 40th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education
- PME 42 - 42nd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education
- CARN 2011 - Collaborative Action Research Network
- CAT 2017 - 7. Computeralgebra-Tagung
- CERME 9 - Ninth Conference of European Research in Mathematics Education
- GDM-Jahrestagung 1967
- GDM-Jahrestagung 1986
- GDM-Jahrestagung 1991
- GDM-Jahrestagung 1996
- GDM-Jahrestagung 2013
- GDM-Jahrestagung 2019
- GDM-Jahrestagung 2024
- GELEFA - Geschlechtergerechte Fachdidaktik in Naturwissenschaften, Technik und Wirtschaftswissenschaften 2016
- ICME 10 - The 10th International Congress on Mathematical Education
- Perspektiven mathematischer Bildung im Übergang vom Kindergarten zur Grundschule
- PME 2 - 2nd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education
- Arbeitskreis Lehr-Lern-Labore - Herbsttagung 2018
- CIAEM 15 - Inter-American Conference on Mathematics Education
- ECM 8 - 8th European Congress of Mathematics
- EPISTEME 4 - 4th International Conference to Review Research on Science, Technology and Mathematics Education
- EPISTEME 7 - 7th International Conference to Review Research on Science, Technology and Mathematics Education
- ETC 3 - Third ERME Topic Conference on Mathematics Teacher Education
- ETC 5 - 5th ERME Topic Conference on Mathematics Education in the Digital Age (MEDA)
- ETC 6 - INDRUM 2018 - Sixth ERME Topic Conference on University Mathematics Education
- GDM-Jahrestagung 1985
- GDM-Jahrestagung 2001
- GDM-Jahrestagung 2012
- GDMV-Jahrestagung 2018
- GraVisMa 2011 - International Conferences on Computer Graphics, Vision and Mathematics
- ICTMT 10 - 10th International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching
- OSME 2018 - 7th International Meeting on Origami in Science, Mathematics and Education
- Professionelle Lerngemeinschaften als Entwicklungsinstrument im Bildungswesen
- CERME 11 - Eleventh Conference of European Research in Mathematics Education
- CERME 8 - Eighth Conference of European Research in Mathematics Education
- DFG-Antragsworkshop der GDM/GDCP
- ELAM 2011 - E-learning and Mathematics
- GDM-Jahrestagung 1995
- GDM-Jahrestagung 2006
- ICTMT 9 - The 9th International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching
- Lehrerfortbildungstag 2018 "Mit Vielfalt rechnen!"
- MNU-Bundeskongress 2017
- Symposium "Rolle der Mathematik in den INT-Fächern"
- ATCM 2013 - 18th Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics
- CICM2014 - Conferences on Intelligent Computer Mathematics
- CME 2014 - Children’s Mathematical Education 2014
- EARCOME 8 - 8th ICMI-East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education
- GDM-Jahrestagung 2016
- Hanse-Kolloquium zur Hochschuldidaktik der Mathematik 2014
- ICMT 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Mathematics Textbook Research and Development
- MES 9 - 9th International Mathematics Education and Society Conference
- PME 43 - 43rd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education
- GDM-Jahrestagung 1977
- GDMV-Jahrestagung 2010
- Hanse-Kolloquium zur Hochschuldidaktik der Mathematik 2013
- ICEM 6 - 6th International Congress of Ethnomathematics
- CERME 7 - Seventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education
- GDM-Jahrestagung 2015
- GDM-Jahrestagung 2020
- GEBF-Jahrestagung 2016
- Hanse-Kolloquium 2018
- ICTMT 11 - 11th International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching
- Interdisciplinary Workshop on Cognitive Neuroscience, Educational Research, and Cognitive Modelling
- GDM-Jahrestagung 2021
- ISMEDC 10 - 10th International Conference on Science and Mathematics Education in Developing Countries
- AllgMath 2012 - Allgemeine Mathematik: Mathematik im Prozess
- GDM-Jahrestagung 1987
- GDM-Jahrestagung 1992
- GDM-Jahrestagung 2014
- ICMEFP 14 - 14th International Conference of the Mathematics Education for the Future Project
- Junglehrer-Tagung 2018 in Darmstadt
- OSME 2014 - 6th International Meeting on Origami in Science, Mathematics and Education
- PME 35 - 35th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education
- CADGME 2009 - 2nd Central- and Eastern European Conference on Computer Algebra and Dynamic Geometry Systems in Mathematics Education
- CME 2018 - Contemporary Mathematics Education
- GDM-Jahrestagung 1972
- GDM-Jahrestagung 1975
- ICMME 2017 - International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education
- ICOTS 8 - 8th International Conference on Teaching Statistics
- MEC 21 - The Mathematics Education into the 21st Century Project: 11th International Conference "Turning Dreams into Reality: Transformations and Paradigm Shifts in Mathematics Education"
- GDM-Jahrestagung 1974
- Hanse-Kolloquium 2021
- ICME 14 - The 14th International Congress on Mathematical Education
- ICMME 2016 - International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education
- Seventh International Conference on Science, Mathematics & Technology Education:"Transformations through Science, Mathematics and Technology Education - Towards an Innovative and Sustainable Society"
- CBUW 2012 - Creating Balance in an Unjust World
- CoSMEd 2017 - Seventh International Conference on Science and Mathematics Education
- ECER 2011 - European Conference on Educational Research
- GDM-Jahrestagung 1984
- GDM-Jahrestagung 2008
- Hanse-Kolloquium 2020
- ICMER 2010 - International Conference On Mathematics Education Research
- MINT-Tagung 2017
- OSME 2010 - 5th International Conference on Origami in Science, Mathematics and Education
- PME 39 - 39th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education
- 4. Fachtagung der Gemeinsamen Kommission Lehrerbildung der GDM, DMV, MNU
- GDM-Jahrestagung 1971
- ICTMA 15 - 15th International Conference on the Teaching of Mathematical Modelling and Applications
- ICTMA 16 - 16th International Conference on the Teaching of Mathematical Modelling and Applications
- Mathe inklusiv mit PIKAS - Tagung 2018
- Symposium „Lernen digital“ 2019
- ATCM 2008 - 13th Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics
- ATCM 2017 - 22nd Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics
- CIEAEM 69 - The 69th Conference of the International Commission for the Study and Improvement of Mathematics Teaching
- CIEAEM 70 - Mathematics and Living Together: Social Process and Didactic Principle
- GEBF-Jahrestagung 2018
- ICTCM 2018 - 30th International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics
- KonfBD18 - Konferenz Bildung Digitalisierung 2018
- Mascil-DZLM 2014 - Educating the Educators - Conference on International Approaches to Scaling-up Professional Development in Maths and Science Education 2014
- MAVI27 - The 27th Conference of Mathematical Views
- PME 38 - 38th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education
- ATCM 2007 - 12th Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics
- ATCM 2012 - 17th Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics
- DIMAVI26 - The 26th Conference of Mathematical Views (digital)
- HPM 2012 - History and Pedagogy of Mathematics - The HPM Satellite Meeting of ICME-12
- ICMI Study 21 Conference - International Commission on Mathematical Instruction Study 21 Conference
- ICMT3 - Third International Conference on Mathematics Textbook Research and Development
- ISTRON-Tagung 2017
- Philosophy of Mathematics: Sociological Aspects and Mathematical Practice
- POEM 2014 - A Mathematics Education Perspective on Early Mathematics Learning 2014
- ATCM 2009 - 14th Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics
- ATCM 2010 - 15th Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics
- EARCOME 6 - The Sixth East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education
- PME 41 - 41st Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education
- AFRICME 3 - 3rd Africa Regional Congress of ICMI on Mathematical Education
- CMCGS 2016 - 5th Annual International Conference on Computational Mathematics, Computational Geometry & Statistics
- EARCOME 5 - The Fifth East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education
- ECMI 2018 - The 20th European Conference on Mathematics for Industry
- Eleventh Iranian Mathematics Education Conference
- GDM Nachwuchskonferenz 2017
- Herbsttagung 2013 AK Psychologie und Mathematikdidaktik
- History of European Universities. Challenges and transformations
- HPM 2016 - History and Pedagogy of Mathematics - The HPM Satellite Meeting of ICME 13
- PME 34 - 34th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education
- PME 36 - 36th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education
- PME 45
- PME Regional Conference 2019 - Technology and Psychology for Mathematics Education
- YESS 5 - Fifth Yerme Summer School
- ATCM 2011 - 16th Asian Technology Conference of Mathematics
- CADGME 2007 - 1st Central- and Eastern European Conference on Computer Algebra- and Dynamic Geometry Systems in Mathematics Education
- DZLM-Jahrestagung 2015
- EIMI - Educational Interfaces between Mathematics and Industry
- ESU-6 - 6th European Summer University on the History and Epistemology in Mathematics
- GAMM-Jahrestagung 2018
- ICHME 5 - Fifth International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education
- ICM 2010 - International Congress of Mathematicians 2010
- ICTMA 17 - 17th International Conference on the Teaching of Mathematical Modelling and Applications
- ISMETCCD - The 15th International Seminar of Mathematics Education on Talented Children and Creativity Development
- YESS 9 - Ninth YERME Summer School
- CERME 12
- ESU 8 - Eigth European Summer University on History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education
- Herkules 2017 - Kohärenz in der Lehrerbildung
- MAVI24 - The 24th International Conference of Mathematical Views
- MINT-Kolleg-Tagung 2018
- SEMT 2017 - International Symposium - Elementary Mathematics Teaching 2017
- 16e Ecole d'été de didactique des mathématiques - Association pour la Recherche en Didactique des Mathématiques,
- GDM-Jahrestagung 2011
- MathTED 2011 - The 8th Biennial Conference of the Philippine Council of Mathematics Teacher Educators
- MEC 21 - 12th International Conference of The Mathematics Education into the 21st Century Project
- PIKAS-Bundestagung 2018
- SEMT 11 - Symposium on Elementary Maths Teaching 11
- SIEMAT 3 - The Third International Seminar on Mathematics Education
- Was der Fall ist - Fallarbeit in Bildungsforschung und Lehrerbildung
- Praxisphasen in der Mathematiklehrerbildung an Hochschulen
- CADGME 2012 - Fourth Central- and Eastern European Conference on Computer Algebra and Dynamic Geometry Systems in Mathematics Education
- DZLM-Jahrestagung 2018
- EMF 2018 - Espace Mathématique Francophone
- ETC 4 - Fourth ERME Topic Conference on Classroom-based Research on Mathematics and Language
- F3 – Fachdidaktische Forschungsperspektiven Funktionen
- GDM-Jahrestagung 1993
- ICM 2006 - International Congress of Mathematicians 2006
- ICREM 5 - The 5th International Conference on Research and Education in Mathematics
- MCG 2019 - 11th International Conference Mathematical Creativity and Giftedness
- MINT-Grundschullehrer/innen Tag
- YESS 6 - Sixth Yerme Summer School